It's been a little while since my last post, but just wanted to provide this information since I did say I was going to write it up.
This was the final list of places I applied to:
- University of British Columbia (UBC) [Canada]
- University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
- University of Michigan
- University of Minnesota
- University of the Pacific (UOP)
- University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
- University of Washington
- Marquette University
- McGill University [Canada]
- Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU)
And the current status of them all. I don't think any of them will change given that I will be accepting an offer to a dental school. From this process I learned quite a lot and will post it here: Lessons and Reflections from Dental School Applications. This will probably be broken up into a thread as there is a lot to cover such as interviews, choosing a school list, application materials, etc.
- University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
No Response
- University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of the Pacific (UOP)
- University of Washington
- Marquette University
- McGill University [Canada]
- University of British Columbia (UBC) [Canada]
- University of Michigan
- University of Minnesota
- University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
- Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU)
- University of British Columbia (UBC) [Canada]
- University of Minnesota
- University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
- Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU)
Thanks for taking a look. I wanted to be transparent and show that no matter your situation, there will be good and bad news during the process.
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