Night Before D-Day

Wow. I can't believe that the big day is tomorrow, I remember that just the other day I was two weeks out. To capture my feelings I am really just nervous and excited. So much rests in tomorrow that it is quite scary to think about. All those moments you poured towards a goal - finding that perfect synonym for your personal statement, memorizing that organic chemistry reaction, feeling that you could have done better on that one exam . . . will it all be worth it? I sure hope so.

I have no clue when notifications will come out, it could be 12 a.m. EST, 3 a.m., whenever. I think the best course of action will be to just sleep like any other day and see what awaits me in the morning.

I know there is so much more to a person than their career, but sometimes I think that's all people look at sadly. No matter what happens tomorrow and the coming months, I believe that my character and drive will lead me to be my best self. That's what matters. One other thing I don't want to forget - I am so so so thankful for all the support I have received along this journey. From family to friends to my second grade teacher, everyone has been instrumental into making me feel as though I could do anything I put my mind to. Thank you.

Besides that, I don't have much else to say. I hope to be celebrating tomorrow; this has truly been a culminating few years. Fingers crossed. Ta-Ta!

P.S. Earlier this evening I did stumble upon this little poem which I enjoyed. Made some quick adaptations but it encapsulates tonight pretty well:

"Twas the night before D-Day.
I sat alone in my house,
With my hand hovering over the computer mouse.
I'd been refreshing for three hours, but I didn't care,
Because I knew midnight would soon be here.

All of my friends are surely in bed,
With nightmares of finals running through their heads.
But finals are the furthest thing from my mind,
As I refreshed and refreshed, hoping an Accepted would be what I'd find.

The mailman is sick, with this I can't cope!
I lost my phone charger, so AADSAS is my only hope!!
Refreshing and refreshing, awaiting a change,
When, I finally noticed something strange.

Check back on Dec. 15th? was what I was reading!
Surely this has to have some other meaning!!
Could this be like the blanks of last year?
Oh, I wish midnight were already here!

Its been two months since my last interview.
For the decisions, I've been waiting. If you only knew!
The uncertainty is unbearable.
This anticipation is incomparable.

To think in mere minutes the wait could end,
Makes my weary mind bend.
Years of hard work have led to this night,
And the possibilities set me affright!

And here it is, already 12:01!
And the status updates? NONE!
Don't these Adcoms know how I'm feeling?
For how long my head has been reeling?!

All of these emotions have worn me out!
My friends don't know what all the fuss is about.
It's only the most important day of my life, I reason.
An acceptance would perfect this holiday season!

But 5 minutes later, no update yet.
Oh, I give up! IM GOING TO BED!!"

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