As of the time of the posting, I truly do not believe this list will change but will update it if need be. The reason why I think it will remain is because it is late in the cycle for applications and the chance to get the application read and be given an interview is much slimmer than earlier in the cycle.
List of Schools (in no particular order) [11]:
- University of British Columbia (UBC) [Canada]
- University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
- University of California San Francisco (UCSF)
- University of Michigan
- University of Minnesota
- University of the Pacific (UOP)
- University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
- University of Washington
- Marquette University
- McGill University [Canada]
- Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU)
I plan to keep you updated on how things play out for each of the schools (these will be links to posts once they are up):
How I Came up with my Dental School List
Status of my Dental School List
As always feel free to contact me if you have any questions at all. Ta-Ta